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Importance of a Good Dental Routine
Routines help people achieve their goals more thoroughly and at a quicker rate. Routines are simply plans that are laid out with a specific goal in mind, and the simpler the routine is the more likely you are to stick with it. For instance, those who wish to lose weight and choose a healthier lifestyle, they need to develop an exercise routine, a healthy diet, and stick to both. There is no reason to starve yourself and commit to running a marathon; implementing a good routine is all you really need. The same is true for your oral health. It is easy to think that a healthy smile “just happens,” but in all actuality, it takes work and commitment to have a beautiful, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.
Developing and implementing a good dental routine is not difficult and it does not require a significant amount of time. In fact, your at-home dental routine should take approximately six minutes of your entire day. Below are the simple steps:
- Floss daily. Flossing is the most important part of your daily dental routine. Plaque and bacteria become trapped between the tight spaces of the teeth each day and toothbrush bristles cannot clean these areas. (Approx. 1 min.)
- Brush twice a day. It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day to remove plaque from the surface of your teeth. Use a tooth paste that contains fluoride to protect against cavities. (Approx. 2 min, twice a day)
- Rinse your toothbrush well. Bacteria-laden plaque become trapped in the bristles of your toothbrush. Rinse your toothbrush under fast, running water to help rinse the bacteria away. Store your toothbrush in an upright position for it to dry quickly and eliminate an environment for bacteria to thrive. (Approx. 30 sec, twice a day)
- Replace your toothbrush often. Even with proper rinsing, bacteria will linger on your toothbrush over time. These bacteria will multiply in large numbers, making the tool you use to clean your teeth very dirty and ineffective. It is recommended that you replace your toothbrush every three to six months.
- Visit the dentist regularly. Regular dental cleanings and exams helps keep your teeth clean and allow your dentist to spot any signs of concern at their start in order to provide early intervention.
The first three steps require approximately six minutes out of your entire day. At Sycamore Hills Dentistry, we encourage you to dedicate those few minutes to your oral health in order to achieve and maintain a healthy smile.
Posted on behalf of Sycamore Hills Dentistry